Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I know many people wanna order japanese uniforms and belts, and i will just here publicly take the opportunity to apologise for procrastinating in helping you guys out with this. (Its not *all* my fault since its also been hard to get all the measurements, but thats beside the point)

I will print out an orderform and measuring info and then we can either make a group-order from Japan (and save on shipping) or i can put you guys in contact with the European dealer in Holland with whom we will get the best price available.

Again, i am sorry, and will try my best to get my head around this issue now.


Anonymous said...

Får jeg bli med på en sånn bestilling eller? Trenger ny pysj;-) -andré

Unknown said...

Joda, det kan vel bli en ordning. Men har du lyst på Hirota, da?


Anonymous said...

Hirota er helt sikkert vel og bra. Men jeg er drit dårlig på sånne mål og greier? Kommer over i jula forresten, for 2 uker;-)

