Last weekend of january, Richard Amos sensei is coming over here to let everyone know that maegeri should be going straight instead of at an angle, and that Iceland is not quite as cold as last time he was here.
Hopefully we can trick some other international guests to join in for this event, aswell. Infact, we dare you guys.... 3 days of training and for the seniors that just cant get enough: The schedule will be made so that it will be possible to do 11 hours training. In other words: Fabulous value for money and the opportunity to see Iceland should not be passed up, either. (It really is the coolest place and i do not mean that just in regards to the temperature)

From the 27/11 Amos senseis excellent first dvd will be available for purchase. Only a limited number available so dont wait in letting me know that you want one (price is 3000 isk and i guarantee that you will learn some enlightening stuff) This dvd is a must-have for everybody and since christmas is coming up....
Yes please - I want one DVD :)
and look really forward to train with Sensei Amos again ...
Good job!
I WANT ONE!!!! ^^
Great News.... :D
I want the DVD, thank you very much
One DVD for me please!
I would like one DVD too, thank you!
And while you're granting wishes... please please please get him to come the weekend before or after!!!
Thanks, Hrund
It seems that the tall thin guy have impressed the icelanders...... And that Hrund will need to reschedule something....
Well, the dvd is here and it totally rocks. Everyone needs one, i think, so that Richard quickly will release the next volumes. Best instructional karate-dvd i have seen.
hey..gaur..hvað viltu mikið fyrir þarna hnéhlífina?
They are 3500 each. (seems expensive, i know, but they really work)
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